Guide courtesy of Team Golf Clash Tommy.

Yellow Path
Many people will drop into the water on this one even if it looks like an easy hole. The wind will have a greater effect on your ball so adjust for about 20% more wind than you see. With a headwind you shouldn't use much backspin at all as the ball will basically stop when it hits the ground.
Yellow Path
Yellow Path
- Community Cup - Rookie
- Community Cup - Pro
- Community Cup - Expert
- Community Cup - Expert
- Community Cup - Master
- Community Cup - Master
- General Instruction - 2nd Tee
- Tour 10 Shootout - Tailwind Pointed at 11 O'clock
- Tour 10 Shootout - Nasty Headwinds
- Tour 8 Shootout - Strong Right to Left Wind
- Tour 8 Shootout - Left to Right Wind Pointed at 130
- Tour 8 Shootout - Left to Right Wind Pointed at 2 O'clock
- Tour 8 Shootout - Right to Left Wind
- 1 Year Anniversary - Rookie
- 1 Year Anniversary - Pro