The Milano
Hole 9 - Par 5 (5B)
Check the Team Golf Clash Tommy page for the current tournament guides!
- Platinum Resorts - Expert
- Platinum Resorts - Master
- Platinum Resorts - Master
- Platinum Resorts - Master
- Platinum Resorts - Master
- Tour 9 - Redesign Techniques and Tips
- Tour 9 - Bunker Play Tips
- Tour 9 - Thor Drive with Berserker
- Tour 9 - Tips for Moving Pitches to Lower Green Elevations
- Tour 9 - Tips for Downwind Short Iron
- Tour 9 - Strategies and Tips
- Tour 9 - Redesigned par 5 Tips
- Vegas - Rookie
- Vegas - Rookie
- Vegas - Rookie
- Vegas - Pro
- Vegas - Pro
- Vegas - Expert
- Vegas - Expert
- Vegas - Expert
- Vegas - Master
- Vegas - Master