02 SEP 2019
Site Status
For the last 2 years of this site, my family and I have been fortunate enough to enjoy good health. Unfortunately those circumstances changed a little over a week ago, so I’ll be taking an indefinite break from the typical site updates that I’ve done for tournaments, hole maps, notesheets, balls, etc. My current situation simply won’t allow me the time required to continue as I have in the past. For those of you in search of notesheets, I highly recommend checking out the ones that Vic Nesheim puts together in the 19th Hole Facebook group. I will do my best to merge any contributions to the site but at this point I can’t commit to anything. If anyone wants to step up to take the reigns of managing the site in terms of development, GitHub, etc. just shoot me an email and we can discuss.
App Status
I do have plans for some app changes in light of the fact that Playdemic continues to lie and deceive when it comes to honoring their end of the agreement we put in place nearly 6 months ago. You can expect some changes coming down the pike (mostly Android related) that will reciprocate. This will require time, which I have very little of these days, to iron out some details and build some tooling so I can’t commit to any kind of schedule. But I am committed to it, and expect that the end product will be worthwhile, delivering on multiple fronts what you guys are looking for. Until then, stuffing Golf Clash in a secure folder to avoid their snooping is your best bet.
Account Raffle
More importantly, plans are being drawn up to raffle off my Golf Clash account in hopes of raising some money to donate to a few charities (Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, TBD). 100% of donations will be going to charity. This account is well equipped to compete in masters in terms of clubs and balls so if you’re looking for a way to get your hands on a beefed up account while helping out a valuable cause, keep your ears to the ground. This will be happening in the next few weeks and more info will be posted here and in the Golf Clash Notebook Facebook group when the details are ironed out.
Wishing you all a happy and healthy future.